I was just practiced with the listview in BB 10 and made a code which is about to achieve a customlistview and it is nice to do with the QML . it is quite easy to understand and easy to write code. to achieve the desired we need to copy the code ghave to run the application. we can follow the following steps :)
1) Make a project with the name HellpPractice.
copy the given below code to yours main.qml
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
content: Container {
// Create a ListView that uses an XML data model
ListView {
dataModel: XmlDataModel {
source: "models/xmldata.xml"
// Use a ListItemComponent to determine which property in the
// data model is displayed for each list item
listItemComponents: [
ListItemComponent {
type: "recipeitem"
Container {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
layout: DockLayout {
// Item background image.
ImageView {
imageSource: "asset:///images/listbackground.png"
preferredWidth: 768
preferredHeight: 250
Container {
id: highlightContainer
background: Color.create("#75b5d3")
opacity: 0.0
preferredWidth: 760
preferredHeight: 252
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
// The Item content an image and a text
Container {
leftPadding: 3
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
layout: StackLayout {
orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
ImageView {
preferredWidth: 250
preferredHeight: 250
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
// The image is bound to the data in models/recipemodel.xml image attribute.
imageSource: ListItemData.image
Label {
// The title is bound to the data in models/recipemodel.xml title attribute.
text: ListItemData.title
leftMargin: 30
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
textStyle.base: recipeItem.ListItem.view.itemTextStyle.style
} // Label
} // Container
function setHighlight(highlighted) {
if (highlighted) {
highlightContainer.opacity = 0.9;
} else {
highlightContainer.opacity = 0.0;
// Connect the onActivedChanged signal to the highlight function
ListItem.onActivationChanged: {
// Connect the onSelectedChanged signal to the highlight function
ListItem.onSelectionChanged: {
} // Container
// When an item is selected, update the text in the TextField
// to display the status of the new item
onTriggered: {
var selectedItem = dataModel.data(indexPath);
textField.text = selectedItem.title;
// Create a text field to display the status of the selected item
TextField {
id: textField
text: ""
} // end of top-level Container
// Highlight function for the highlight Container
}// end of Page
1) Make a project with the name HellpPractice.
copy the given below code to yours main.qml
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
content: Container {
// Create a ListView that uses an XML data model
ListView {
dataModel: XmlDataModel {
source: "models/xmldata.xml"
// Use a ListItemComponent to determine which property in the
// data model is displayed for each list item
listItemComponents: [
ListItemComponent {
type: "recipeitem"
Container {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
layout: DockLayout {
// Item background image.
ImageView {
imageSource: "asset:///images/listbackground.png"
preferredWidth: 768
preferredHeight: 250
Container {
id: highlightContainer
background: Color.create("#75b5d3")
opacity: 0.0
preferredWidth: 760
preferredHeight: 252
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
// The Item content an image and a text
Container {
leftPadding: 3
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
layout: StackLayout {
orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
ImageView {
preferredWidth: 250
preferredHeight: 250
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
// The image is bound to the data in models/recipemodel.xml image attribute.
imageSource: ListItemData.image
Label {
// The title is bound to the data in models/recipemodel.xml title attribute.
text: ListItemData.title
leftMargin: 30
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
textStyle.base: recipeItem.ListItem.view.itemTextStyle.style
} // Label
} // Container
function setHighlight(highlighted) {
if (highlighted) {
highlightContainer.opacity = 0.9;
} else {
highlightContainer.opacity = 0.0;
// Connect the onActivedChanged signal to the highlight function
ListItem.onActivationChanged: {
// Connect the onSelectedChanged signal to the highlight function
ListItem.onSelectionChanged: {
} // Container
// When an item is selected, update the text in the TextField
// to display the status of the new item
onTriggered: {
var selectedItem = dataModel.data(indexPath);
textField.text = selectedItem.title;
// Create a text field to display the status of the selected item
TextField {
id: textField
text: ""
} // end of top-level Container
// Highlight function for the highlight Container
}// end of Page
2) now make a xml document with name xmldata and in this xmldata.xml copy following lines
<recipeitem title="Custom List" image="../images/1.png" />
<recipeitem title="BlackBerry 10" image="../images/2.png" />
<recipeitem title="Mobile App Development" image="../images/3.png" />
<recipeitem title="Great achievers" image="../images/4.png" />
<recipeitem title="Good work" image="../images/1.png" />
<recipeitem title="Welcome guys" image="../images/6.png" />
3) make images folder inside the assets folder and put all these images inside that==>
4) Now it is time to see the output and you can see the output as desired on yours emulator. it should look like this
now you can see yours custom list and while you will click on a list element, there will be change on text values, which is according to yours index values
i have a list in which in middle i have a image and i am using xml data model. i am not able to do that
ReplyDeleteplease help me
Please look this example carefully which wwill surely solve yours problem else i will send the code.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletejitesh upadhyay,
ReplyDeleteI have a listview with checkboxes in bb10 cascades, which gets populated from model come from cpp code. I am unable to get the size of the listview or model. How can i get the size of the model, since i need to iterate the listview to get the elements which are checked.. can you give me some examples which does this process.
Hello friends,
ReplyDeleteHow can I copy ListView Item to the clipboard?
- ContextMenu over Item. DONE.
- Ontrigger in ListView. DONE
- CLipboard Method. DONE.
- Selecting text item value. IS FUCKING KILLING ME. HELP PLEASE
I hope you can help me :)